Please use the contact information below to connect with a specific office or department that can best meet your needs.
While it is important to us to be available to our partners, potential beneficiaries, and the public, due to the large number of emails received, we may be unable to respond directly to your inquiry.
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Career Seekers
We'd love to have you make a difference with us at the Ojah Scholarship Foundation. Browse our
job openings now.
Grant Inquiries
Please note: the foundation is unable to make grants to organisations. Visit our Grant Seeker FAQ for more information.​
Reporting Scams
Visit our Reporting Scams page for information about correspondence claiming to be from, or associated with, the Ojah Scholarship Foundation.
Ethics Reporting
Employees and partners such as beneficiaries, vendors, or other third parties, may visit EthicsPoint, an anonymous reporting service, to confidentially report issues that raise ethical concerns.
Media inquiries
Note: If you are a member of the news media, please use the phone number or email address below to leave a detailed message. Include your name, press affiliation, phone number, questions, and deadline.
(+61)41 388 1384